Womanspace still providing all services, hotline numbers to victims of domestic violence

The following information was provided by Womanspace Inc., a nonprofit agency in Mercer County that provides a comprehensive array of services to individuals and families impacted by domestic and sexual violence and that is dedicated to improving the quality of life for adults and their families.
While the world shelters in place, children learn from home and parents may or may not be working from home, the incidents of domestic violence in our community and across the country have skyrocketed. Calls to law enforcement about domestic disputes are up, yet calls and referrals to domestic violence programs are down. This can only be attributed to fear.
Womanspace, Mercer County’s domestic violence provider, wants you to know that it is open for business and still providing all services and the hotline numbers. Womanspace operates both the county and statewide domestic violence hotline and the county sexual assault line. The statewide sexual assault hotline is operated by the New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault.
New Jersey and many states around the country are reporting a decline in calls to domestic violence and sexual assault hotlines since the beginning of March. Victims may not be able to safely reach out to police or agencies for assistance.
Womanspace continues to serve victims and survivors here in Mercer County. The Safe House provides safe, short-term emergency housing for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking in a confidential location.
- Mercer County 24-Hour Bilingual Hotline for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault crisis assistance and information: 609-394-9000
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals can text Womanspace 24/7: 609-619-1888
- Counselors are doing screening, counseling and support by phone and secure video until the counseling office reopens. Barbara and Herb Goodfriend Counseling Center: 609-394-2532
- Administrative Office, Crisis Intervention Teams, Education, Outreach & Training: 609-394-0136
- 24-Hour Bilingual Hotlines for Domestic Violence and- Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-572-SAFE (7233)
- Statewide Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800- 601-7200
- Visit the Womanspace website: www.womanspace.org